How to make a
great pitch.
When we tell a story we share our ideas, passions, fears, sadness, hardships, and joys. Telling stories helps us find common ground with other people so that we can connect and communicate with them.
PITCHES are short, persuasive stories (formal or informal) targeted at potential investors, stakeholders or supporters.
ENTREPRENEURS spot an opportunity and develop a vision for a new product, business or solution and put together all the resources needed to bring their ideas to life.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP isn’t just about starting companies; it is a skillset and a way of thinking. Entrepreneurship is about finding a solution to a problem then taking the steps necessary to make it reality.
INVESTORS are people who might use their own money to fund a new business in exchange for partial ownership of the company. If the business is successful, investors make money (return) on their investment.
When entrepreneurs come up with new ideas, they have to tell short persuasive stories for potential investors or customers.
Do you have an idea for your pitch? If you don't, download our Entrepreneur's Journal to get started.
Your pitch should provide specific answers to the following questions:
• What problem are you solving?
• Why should someone buy it?
• Who are you selling to?
• Who are your competitors?
• What is the price?
• What do you need?
• Who are you?
• What problem are you solving?
• Why should someone buy it?
• Who are you selling to?
• Who are your competitors?
• What is the price?
• What do you need?
• Who are you?
Pitching is not just about persuading others that an idea and business model would be successful. The entrepreneur must also sell themselves. They are part of what a potential partner is investing in. However, many people find it difficult to stand in front of strangers and speak with confidence and poise. Even the most practiced speaker can feel intimidated and nervous in front of an audience. The good news is public speaking and persuasion is a skill that can be practiced and improved.
Watch these two videos to see examples of good public speaking.
Watch these two videos to see examples of good public speaking.
- How does body language affect the message of a speaker?
- How can changing the emphasis of a word affect the tone of a public speaker?
- Why is tone important when speaking?
- What do you hope to improve on when it comes to public speaking?
- How will you use body language, emphasis, tone, and humour in your pitch?
Watch last year's winning pitch.
What did they do well?